De Bank of England verhoogt de rente met 0,5 pp en is van mening dat het VK in een recessie is beland. BoE verwacht een rente van nabij de 5% volgende zomer.
Tegelijk vindt de regering van Truss het verstandig extra geld de economie in te pompen:
The Bank of England’s job was made even harder by tomorrow’s' mini-budget, which is likely to include various tax cuts as the government tries to stimulate growth.
David Goebel, associate director of investment strategy at wealth manager Evelyn Partners, says this has created additional uncertainty for the MPC:
‘As well as inflation at its highest for a generation and faltering expectations for economic growth, the Bank has a new political administration to consider. Liz Truss’ government is set to be very expansionary in fiscal terms, in an attempt to boost growth, with a few specifics of its economic policy revealed at Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s “fiscal event” tomorrow.
While the Bank’s primary mandate is to maintain price stability – i.e. control inflation - without a full view of policy direction it makes decision making difficult given the potential impact on consumer finances and spending.
Gisteren verhoogde de FED de rente al met 0,75 pp en de verwachting is dat daar binnenkort nog eens 0,75 pp bij komt, waarmee de rente naar (minimaal) 4% gaat.
Vooralsnog klotst het geld overal tegen de plinten...